Red Lipstick Alert.
An assumed sign of being bold and brazenness – a red lipstick is always associated with judging eyes. You
could wear a brown, fuchsia, pink or even a so called nude, but the crimson will always catch the eyes of
the spectator. It is funny how the subconscious mind, programmed since generations, associates the red
lipstick with being easily available. As if, it was a code for ‘bring it on baby!’.
Now an average Joe next door will suddenly feel it is his right to disturb u and ask the most ridiculous
questions ever. Innuendo comes to the aid of such men and they feign innocence like a pro. The sleazy
grin, the occasional nudge, the uncomfortable touch is not subtle enough to be ignored.
If the woman so much as utters a word of protest, the floodgates of moral policing open. ‘Why invite
trouble when you can’t handle it?’ ‘If you are so forward, what is the problem in going all the way?’ The
womankind in such cases suffers from the misgivings of her gender on which she has no control.
The piousness associated with her not having a sexual interaction makes generations of women feel that
they are no good in the society when they have been violated out of the wedlock. Whether or not it was
out of her choice, any person should not have a right to comment about her life decisions. A lipstick is
meant to match her dress, at best. It cannot be an indicator of character.
If only people were to understand the simple pleasures of life, one could love a red lipstick for what it is –
an innocent addition to a gleeful face of serenity